Whatever Your company is so cool or not, keen and professional, I think you need a business card that reflects that. You also want a card that stands out from the rest and is durable enough to stand up to being crammed in so many contacts’ wallets. Your answer may be with plastic. You can make plastic business cards that stand out from the rest and stand up to the test of abuse and time.
Things You’ll Need:
Computer and printer
Pencil and paper
Scissors, utility knife or heavy-duty paper cutter
1.Get your plastic. Printable plastic sheets are available at some office supply stores, or you may have to find a specialty plastic distributor to get the plastic you need. You’ll want sheets that can fit in and are adaptable to your printer. At the very least, you can readily find transparency paper at many office suppliers to create a clear business card.
2.Design your card. Draw the shape and size of the card you want. The average business card is 3 1/2 by 2 inches, but you can adjust them to whatever size you wish. Include the company’s name and contact information. If you are planning to use a program that can insert graphics, feel free to include a small piece of clip art or other small illustration.
3.Translate your card onto the computer. Use a business card template, available through several label-making programs, or wing it. Use a word processing program that can insert a table. Pick the number of rows and columns that fit on the page, with each cell being a separate card. Create one, and then copy and paste the card information into each of the cells.
4.Print the cards. Select the proper settings on your printer for a thicker sheet than regular paper and the highest quality print,you can choose professional plastic card print company.
5.Cut and distribute. Use very sharp scissors or, better yet, a utility knife or paper cutter that can slice through plastic. Keep edges even by dragging the knife along a ruler or drawing fine lines with chalk that can be wiped off once cut.
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