Plasticcardonline is the substrate of choice always used as the core material of our card products that are available online for beautiful quality, fastest delivery and environmental responsibility.
If you don’t already know what Teslin is, you probably have seen and used it without realizing it. Plasticcardonline is an eco friendly plastic substrate that is used for gift cards at top retail stores, loyalty cards at national pharmacies, key tags at your favorite fast food chain, even driver identification cards and more. This flexible and porous material prints beautifully, provides extended durability and is environmentally responsible.
Its production requires no deforestation and very little energy. Also, Teslin does not release harmful toxins into its surrounding environment when thrown away, it’s easily recycled or it can be incinerated yielding only water, CO2, energy and ash from silica (a substance found in rocks, sand, and quartz) filler.
Duracard Teslin based products are manufactured using a 10 mil Teslin core that is fuse laminated on the top and bottom with 10 mil luminous UV guard laminate. This results in our beautiful, superior quality 30 mil product. To produce our 20 mil product, we use a 5 mil thermal laminate overlay.
Looking for PVC card products? Call us at for the industry’s most competitive pricing.
We also offer super high quality, beautifully offset printed PVC products with a slightly longer delivery time, which are used for many bank or credit cards. If your project requires PVC, please call us directly for an instant price quote. PVC products are not available online.
Our PVC products are typically produced by creating a “sandwich” using first a 3 mil top laminate sheet, then a 12 mil PVC top core sheet, then a 12 mil PVC bottom core sheet and finally another 3 mil bottom laminate sheet. The stacked “sandwich” is then platen laminated to produce a 30 mil total thickness. For thinner PVC products, various thickness materials are used to make the “sandwich”. We may also use a flood printed luminous UV overcoat that works well for many designs instead of the laminate material, again varying the materials used to create a 30 mil finished product.
UV Protection and Durability
For our signature lustrous finish, high-value feel, durability and protection from fading, all of our card products feature a protective UV overlay.
Need to write or print on our products?
We offer many options if you plan to write or print on our products. You’ll find more information about writable matte finish and signature panels by selecting the “Learning Center” tab. Please be sure you understand these options before ordering.
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