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Membership card in retail store applications - Plastic card

Membership card in retail store applications

By 2011/01/07Membership Cards

Membership card is a way through a special incentive to improve the customer shopping frequency and amount of each purchase to increase customer sales model.Plastic card in Retail enterprises first appeared when the membership card. All the major card-issuing retailers focus on expanding the number of promotions that a large number of development through a variety of card holders to retain customers, expand market share. In order to increase market share for the purpose of competition, control of both the card-issuing retailers a lot of client resources to apply for membership card from the cardholder’s personal basic information collected to start the customer information database can be established. In addition to the customer when applying for membership cards of individuals collected basic information such as name, ID number,  age, occupation, address and other information, through computer and network technology. In the system can also obtain more information such as every cardholders of transaction records, spending habits, maintenance records, complaint records and all other relevant information. These data rely on traditional manual collection of information is fundamental information processing can not be solved requires the help of modern information technology to store the body 05 through the system, the supermarket’s cash registers and other consumer time to collect customer data.

Membership Card Function
Retailers looking for a few years ago the low-cost service platform to the sub-groups of customers. And then to the current “members competition.” A little membership card. In the end to how much energy? Membership card with the common several functions:
Customer retention: Some retail companies in order to feedback and always retain a number of surrounding communities, customers do not set any threshold of membership only need to fill out a form to the customer can receive a membership card, such as “family membership card ten cheap” category membership card. accumulated according to the consumer the amount the customer can enjoy the preferential treatment of different levels, such as drug stores or discount for members enjoy special member price. and the bonus points accumulated, such as supermarkets.
To earn the “reputation”: Some retail chain enterprises, especially large crowd for a special group for the “no name nor for the village,” the discount card, such as “minimal needs card” love card “and for the low- the various income groups membership card. are complimentary to these special customers.
Value-added services: the majority of retail enterprises have adopted competitive membership. “Hair card, playing a little off,” the Member Services can not meet the needs of consumers. Some retailers for in-depth development of its members to receive benefits and value-added services to members such as Guangzhou Nepstar pharmacies to the first Friday of each month at members as a member to play in this eight-day purchase of medicines discount for an offer and by the cumulative scores of credit, plus discount, members also enjoy the Sea King has been sent to the health manuals and “Fashion Care” guide.
Segment customer groups, “stuck” Customer: breakdown of the membership card customer groups main purpose is to refine the service to service a step further, such as pharmacies longevity cards”for the elderly. “

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