If you really want to start making business cards that really stand out and leave a lasting impression then you’re going to need to come up with some amazing ideas and implement them on your next creative business card designs. There are many factors that go into making these little promotional pieces so special.
First and foremost in order to make creative business cards that really jump out at the people you give the cards out to you need to focus in on the typography. I can tell you now that the typography of your business cards is very crucial and important. It doesn’t matter if you are a lawyer, massage therapist, construction worker, or dentist. There will be typefaces and fonts that are perfect to get your message across so choose carefully. I recommend making sure that the designer you choose to work with is very skilled at typography and knows what he or she is doing when it comes to business cards and fonts.
The next thing you should think about when gathering business card ideas and trying to put them into action is color that you may want to use. You will have tons of options when it comes to this. For example if you have a design firm you could make black business cards with another color on the other side. So you’d have maybe black with your logo or tagline on one side and then white on the other side with the main typography and information.
You should also think about shape of your creative business cards. Luckily for you and me these days there are just so many options for printing. For example raised business cards have become quite popular these days. This means that either the type or maybe logo is a bit raised up when the card is printed. I can tell you that this will really make your cards stand out.
So be creative with your business card designs. You want them to stand out so this is a key factor. These days more and more companies are getting design savvy so this is crucial to consider as you embark on this design process!
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