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How to design a business card in Photoshop - Plastic card

How to design a business card in Photoshop

By 2011/03/11Business Cards

Once in Photoshop, open your plastic card template. The business card template design guide, which will greatly help when you are ready to send your creation to the printer turned off by default. The guiding line represents the outer most of the ‘cutting line’ and the inner most is the ‘safety line’. It is best to control the parameters of design in the security line to make sure you get the text or graphics are hard to be off the printer.

Make sure your image mode to CMYK color. This can be the image “mode” of CMYK.

Create a new layer in the Layers panel.

Choose the color of the toolbar buttons, a small square in the background color of your card.

Select Tools from the toolbar paint bucket, click on the image to fill the background color,see our design page.

Create a new layer. Select the Custom Shape tool to select a shape that you want to use a logo or watermark. Or, you can use your own logo (just be sure it is a transparent GIF).

Use the move tool place the shape in the desired location / logo / watermark. If you are using as a watermark to your shape and reduce the opacity (in the Layers Panel on) about 9%.
Choose your background color, contrast with the color of your text.

This small box by switching back and forth between color.

Important information for you to create individual text box. The name, address, phone number and address. (Create a separate text box anywhere on your card more easily position and size of the text.) Please be sure to choose a font very spectacular, clean, clear, and look amazing in print.

If you like some information will come out, try using a thin opaque pixel box or accent line. You can create a new layer, select the Rectangular Marquee Tool, your picture, and then around a specific area of ​​an opaque box text box. (Make sure, however, your text layer on your layers panel box at the top layer). The black color of your box, and then reduce the transparency of about 44% felt it was transparent.

Play with different layer styles and design elements until you get something you love.

When you save your PSD, there is the final step. To ensure the best results for your printer, this is a good idea, your first flat PSD images. We layer by right-clicking any one of the Layers palette, then select ‘flatten image’ of. But not stored in the original PSD’s! Make sure you select ‘save as’ this time, and rename the other like a “business card flattened’ what your file, select the appropriate file transfer. So you can return to your original PSD and editing elements later.

Now you are ready to design your business card in a fierce new unedited questions or concerns about the design layout to the printer.

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