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Business card making instructions - Plastic card

Business card making instructions

By 2011/01/12Business Cards

First, the standard card production size:
Card production size 92 × 56mm (with 1mm bleed all four sides)

Second, the standard business card products size:
Finished card size 90 × 54mm; discount card, business card or other size, please specify when order size

Third, business card layout method:
Business card layout, set the text and other content placed on the cut line in 3mm, business cards after cutting more beautiful

Fourth, business card style:
Horizontal business card (90 × 54mm), vertical business card (54 × 90mm), folding card (90 × 90mm or 180 × 54mm) and shaped business card.

Fifth, card production software:
We accept coreldraw, Illustrator, Freehand, Photoshop software tools to create documents; curve or outline the text word to be transferred

VIP card format requirements:
1, CorelDraw please save CDR format (using CorelDraw effects of graphics, into a bitmap, bitmap resolution of 350dpi).
2, Freehand, Illustrator, please save them as EPS format (plug-in of the image file, must be accompanied by drawings);
3, Photoshop please save TIF or JPG format, file resolution of 350 dpi or more.
Seven card file CMYK color mode, please set mode.
Eight lines below the 0.076mm, printing will not appear, must be set not less than 0.076mm.

Sixth, color settings can not be less than 8%, so the color can not appear.
Ten, horizontal, double-sided business card placed on the left, opposite the right place, vertical business cards please head to head placed (coreldraw file).
Made with photoshop files, card production size 92*56, and both positive and negative separation of document storage.
Try not to set down or around other side of the lace, the error due to cutting the time, I am afraid can not guarantee sides symmetrical.

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