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Beauty salon using the benefits of membership cards - Plastic card

Beauty salon using the benefits of membership cards

By 2011/02/14Membership Cards

Membership card is a beauty salon and cosmetics storemarketing. Membership cards can be accumulated by more customers, give more of the old customers. Beauty salons in the general set of cards, there are many: Diamond, Gold, Silver,membership card, annual card, free beauty cards.

Membership Card design principles:

Membership card settings are not purely representative of how much money there, but reflects its value. Women do realize theirbeauty is a positive state of mind. Nice name to use to arousecustomers have meaning noble and beautiful. At the same time itis a symbol, reflecting the beauty salon and beauticians advancedservices. A status symbol.
Level should not be too much
The level of membership card can not be too much, the minimum can not be less than three, the maximum can not behigher than six. Presentation should be targeted to the customer, which must maintain the appropriate price range. Central parityprice of membership cards to major customers should be the pricemost can afford introduced, so as to ensure retention of keycustomers. Consistent with the spending power of the mass of customers, or members to develop a higher price can easily lead to loss of customers.

For a member of the customer, the card, the higher the amount,the greater the gift, the lower the discount. Price of body care,hand care, aromatherapy items of interest to our customers, spaitems, body underwear, equipment care, can be presented of the projects. For different customers, to give different types ofmembership card.
But some beauty salons and beauty salons despite the scale oftheir own local circumstances, copy someone else’s design andpromotion, the membership card has become a vulgar ad, butignored her behind the quality and high profit, high investmentreality.

Membership card means that the value of the services of beauty salons, beauty salon membership card for is to provide customers with a value of psychological and physical feelings. Without goodservice, membership cards will lose its original meaning.

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