Black Business Cards – What Business Should Try Them?

By 2009/04/24Business Cards

you are considering getting some trendy black business cards printed up for your company or firm I really recommend that you consider carefully first who your target audience is and if printing black cards is the way that you really want to go. Remember that visual design is not just for looks it’s also a science and colors do give off emotion so it’s something that I urge you to consider.

Ok so let’s talk a bit about what kind of companies probably shouldn’t use black business cards to represent their company. I would say that dentists, fitness centers, massage therapists, medical professionals, and people that are generally associated with health and well being should stay away from using black or dark grey as their main colour in their design. When it comes to these areas you don’t want a dark overpowering colour you should probably go with lighter more vibrant colors if you want to make a real impact.

Some of the kind of industries that black might work well with when having cards designed would be areas like music, artists, law enforcement agencies, attorneys, architects, graphic designers, and more. In these situations black may actually suit your message and what you’re trying to promote. For example if you are a very classy and elegant leather furniture store maybe a nice black card with some simple typography might work wonders for getting your message across to your customers!

So before you just jump in and get your self black business cards designed just because that is what is hot at the moment take some time to consider who your audience is. Of course if you are really taking the whole card design process seriously you should be consulting with a design professional and they will be able to give you great opinions on the direction you should be taking for your new business card designs.